Vés al contingut

Allosteric control and therapeutic targeting of cell death and survival

27 jul. 18

Speaker: Evripidis Gavathiotis, PhD – Associate Professor – Department of Biochemistry – Department of Medicine – Center for Experimental Therapeutics Albert Einstein Cancer Research – Wilf Family Cardiovascular Research Institute – Institute of Aging Research – NY - USA



Organizers: IRB Barcelona
Date: Friday 27 July, 12.00h
Place: Aula Fèlix Serratosa, Parc Científic de Barcelona, Spain

Host: Dr Antonio Zorzano (IRB Barcelona)   


Deregulation of cell death and cell survival signaling pathways leads to an imbalance of homeostasis and contributes to diseases. Our work aims to gain better understanding of several cell death and cell survival pathways to enable us to manipulate cell fate in physiological and disease conditions. Using structural, biophysical, biochemical, and cell biology approaches, we have identified novel mechanisms of the BCL-2 family protein interaction network that are critical to cell death and survival. We have also developed first-in-class small molecules, through screening and medicinal chemistry, to further probe these mechanisms in signaling and validate them for therapeutic efficacy in cancer and other diseases.

Plenary Seminar