INPhINIT is a doctoral fellowship programme devoted to attracting international Early-Stage Researchers to the top Spanish research centres in the areas of Bio and Heath Sciences, Physics, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
INPhINIT is promoted by the “la Caixa” Foundation with the aim of supporting the best scientific talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain by recruiting outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.
This programme is divided into two different frames:

Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming
35 fellowships for early-stage researchers of any nationality who wish to carry out their PhD projects in research centres accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maetzu or Health Institute Carlos III and Portuguese units accredited as “excellent” according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. In addition, researchers establish a personal career development plan including trasnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility opportunities, and attend a full range of complementary training workshops.
This programme is addressed exclusively to PhD research projects on STEM disciplines: life sciences and health, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Check out IRB Barcelona groups participating in this frame:
- Dr. Alexandra Avgustinova_Pedriatric Cancer Epigenetics
- Dr. Ana victoria Lechuga-Vieco_Mitochondrial Biology and Tissue Regeneration
- Dr. Marco Milán_Development and Growth Control Laboratory
- Dr. Modesto Orozco_Molecular Modelling and Bioinformatics
- Dr. Patrick Aloy_ Structural Bioinformaticss and Network Biology
- Dr. Salvador Aznar-Benitah_Stems Cells and Cancer
- Dr. Lluís Ribas_ Gene Translation Laboratory
- Dr. Ángel R.Nebreda_ Signalling and Cell Cycle Laboratory
- Dr. Stefanie Wculek_ Innate Immune Biology
The main fellowship provisions are:
- Duration: 4 years maximum
- Recruitment date: September/November 2024. January 2025 under
extraordinary circumstances. - Funding per fellow:
- 143.200 euros (35.800 euros per year) including salary and all
compulsory employers’ contributions (employee social security
contribution and income taxes, when appropriate). - 14.000 euros (3.500 euros per year) for research costs such as
conferences and workshops attendance, short-stays, consumables
and intellectual property costs, among others. - Tuition fees to the PhD programme
- 143.200 euros (35.800 euros per year) including salary and all
- Complementary training: the programme offers specific training meant to
help fellows strengthen the skills required for a successful PhD and to
prepare and design their professional career. The programme consists of 3
residential training sessions, as well as continuous support for either
personal or technical needs. - Participation in outreach and social events.
24 January 2024: Deadline for submitting applications.
More information about the programme and the application process can be found here .
Doctoral INPhINIT Retaining
30 fellowships for early-stage researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in any research domain and any university or research center in Spain or Portugal.
The doctoral INPhINIT fellowships offer a highly competitive salary and complementary opportunities for training on transferrable skills through annual training sessions, temporary stays in industry, incentives upon completion of the thesis, among other elements that make these fellowships some of the most attractive and complete in Europe.
More information about the programme and the application process can be found here .