For the 2024-2025 academic year, IRB Barcelona is offering up to 9 PhD fellowships for young scientists from the national and international community who wish to undertake a doctoral degree in biomedicine. We encourage applications from highly motivated graduates with outstanding qualifications in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, pharmacology, computational biology or related fields. Successful candidates will join research groups headed by top-level scientists and will carry out their research in cutting-edge fields of biomedicine in a stimulating environment.

The following will be offered in this call:
- Up to 9 FPI positions associated with the “Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023” Call (funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación AEI- MICINN).
Check out IRB Barcelona groups participating:
- Dr. Cristina Mayor-Ruiz - Targeted protein degradation and drug discovery
- Dr. Patrick Aloy - Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology
- Dr. Lluís Ribas - Gene Translation Laboratory
- Dr. Alejo E. Rodriguez-Fraticelli - Quantitative Stem Cell Dynamics
- Dr. Raúl Méndez - Translational Control of Cell Cycle and Differentiation
- Dr. Alexandra Avgustinova - Pediatric Cancer Epigenetics
- Dr. Eduard Batlle - Colorectal Cancer Laboratory
- Dr. Antoni Riera - Research Unit on Asymmetric Synthesis
- Dr. Ana Victoria Lechuga-Vieco - Mitochondrial Biology and Tissue Regeneration
- The programme is aimed at students who have completed one of the following options by September 2024:
- studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine, Chemistry or related fields and that have 300 credits (ECTS), of which at least 60 must correspond to master level.
- a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area and that gives access to doctoral studies in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine, Chemistry or related fields in Spain.
- Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied.
How to apply
Applicants should complete and submit the online form. More information regarding the application can be found in the “Useful Information” tab.
Those applying also for the IRB-TARGET programme need only submit a single application, which will be considered by the different calls.
Applicants will be asked to upload the following documents in English: *Please note that all the documents provided should be in PDF format.
- Curriculum vitae specifying education and experience, including career breaks, and supported by pertinent documents.
- A motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) highlighting your research experience and academic achievements and explaining why you are interested in IRB Barcelona and in a particular research group.
- A scanned copy of the student’s certified Academic Record. These documents must show the grades attained in exam periods. If the certified academic records are not in Spanish or English applicants should also attach a translation in one of the above mentioned languages.
- Any additional files considered relevant to the application
- Two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists with who the applicant has studied or worked. Candidates are responsible for ensuring that referees submit these letters. Applications not supported by these letters will not be eligible. If the applicant has previously worked with a researcher at IRB Barcelona, any letter of reference from said person cannot be included as one of the two reference letters requested. However, it can be sent to provide additional support for the application.
Please indicate the Research Node(s) to which you wish to apply (up to 3). Details of the available research projects are provided in Annex 1 of the 2024 call IRB Barcelona International PhD Fellowship Programme ( Useful information for applicants section).
Research Nodes:
- Chemical and Structural Biology
- Cell Pathophysiology
- Computational Biology
- Invertebrate Models of Disease
- Preclinical Models of Cancer
- Preclinical Models of Disease
More information on the research activities of each group can be found on the IRB Barcelona webpage.
For more information, please, contact
Selection procedure
An Evaluation Committee will appraise eligible applications both in the remote evaluation stage and in the interview stage. This committee will include external members and representatives of group leaders at IRB Barcelona. The evaluation will be independent, impartial, objective and free of conflicts of interest, and the selection will be open, efficient, transparent, fair, and merit-based. The PhD Advisory Committee will oversee the remote and interview stages of the selection process.
Applicants will receive continuous support from the Academic Office through the helpdesk (email, phone), which will notify them of the outcome of the preselection. The candidates with the highest scores will be invited to IRB Barcelona for an interview. Those who do not pass the threshold established will be excluded from further consideration. Candidates who do not pass this evaluation will be informed why and will be provided with the instructions to follow to start a redress procedure.
Short-listed candidates will receive an invitation to a three-day interview process held at IRB Barcelona. Teleconference interviews will be used only for candidates with prior commitments that cannot be rearranged and that thus prevent them from travelling to Barcelona.
Offers of admission will be made to the successful candidates shortly after the interview period. Candidates positively evaluated but with an insufficient score to receive a fellowship will be put on a reserve list to cover possible renunciations and future positions.
Call opening: 2 November 2023
Deadline for candidacies: 5 January 2024, 15:00 CET
Deadline for referees: 8 January 2024, 15:00 CET
Remote evaluation: 29 January 2024
Group Leader Panel presentations: 26 February 2024
Interviews at IRB Barcelona: 4-5-6 March 2024
Notification to candidates: 8 March 2024
Start date of fellowships: from September 2024