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Mouse Mutant

Trip Lab

Research information


The facility was created in 2007. Our primary function is to generate genetically modified mouse models for users within IRB Barcelona. We are able to offer a comprehensive service, for the generation of genetically altered mice including:

  • Design of recombinant DNA molecules for genetic modification.
  • Help with cloning protocols and reagents required to generate gene targeting and transgenic vectors.
  • All cell-culture required for gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, including expansion, transfection, drug selection, colony picking and colony expansion.
  • Microinjection of DNA or ES cells into pre-implantation stage embryos.
  • Transfer of manipulated embryos into pseudo-pregnant foster mice.
  • Subsequent processing of pups born to pseudopregnant fosters.


CERCAGINYS és la plataforma d’accés a les infraestructures científiques i tècniques dels 41 centres CERCA. La iniciativa vol optimitzar l’accés a aquestes instal·lacions per a tota la comunitat científica i tecnològica i, molt especialment, vol evidenciar la possibilitat que el sector privat empresarial i industrial també pot fer-ne ús, accedint, així mateix, als serveis de personal tècnic altament qualificat. La proposta forma part d’un projecte més ampli, vinculat al Pla d’Acció d’Infraestructures finançat pel Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació a través de la I-CERCA.



Consult the service rates

The facility has a fully equipped laboratory for cell and molecular biology. Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell culture is carried out within a dedicated cell culture laboratory.

We also have a small microinjection suite based within the PCB Animal Research Center (SEA). This suite contains inverted microscopes equipped with state of the art micromanipulators and microinjectors. The suite also contains everything necessary for mouse surgery and embryo manipulation.

We are equipped to carry out cryopreservation of mouse germ-line tissue.


Access to the facility is by consultation. Please contact us for more information at

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