ICREA Research Professor, ERC Consolidator Grant

ICREA Research Professor Dr Xavier Salvatella, pursued chemistry studies at the University of Barcelona (BSc) and Queen Mary College, London (MSc). He completed his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Ernest Giralt at the University of Barcelona, using nuclear magnetic resonance in solution to investigate the interaction between synthetic compounds and hydrophilic surfaces in a variety of proteins, particularly the tumour suppressor P53.
Subsequently, Dr. Salvatella conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge, under the mentorship of Drs. Michele Vendruscolo and Chris Dobson. During this time, he used biophysical techniques and molecular simulations to analyse the structural heterogeneity of globular, partially folded, and intrinsically disordered proteins.
Dr. Salvatella currently leads a research group at IRB Barcelona focused on elucidating the biological functions of intrinsically disordered domains in multidomain proteins such as the androgen receptor, a nuclear hormone receptor, and CPEB4, a translation regulator. His research explores the roles of these domains in neuromuscular and neurodevelopmental diseases, as well as cancer.
In addition to this Dr. Salvatella is interested in developing drug-like small molecules as potential therapeutics targetting intrinsically disordered proteins. This line of research led to his recent co-founding of Nuage Therapeutics (www.nuagetx.com), a Barcelona-based biotechnology company specialising in drug discovery for cancer treatment.