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What is IRB Barcelona

We are a biomedical research centre that works to achieve a society free of diseases. Our mission is to carry out research of excellence to cure cancer and other diseases linked to ageing.

Our research results reach patients through technology transfer, which is accomplished by establishing collaborations with the pharmaceutical industry and the main hospitals.
We are also committed to knowledge. To this end, we offer the best training in biomedical sciences to young researchers, students and visitors, and maintain an open dialogue with citizens through a range of scientific communication and outreach activities.  
IRB Barcelona was founded in 2005 by the “Generalitat de Catalunya” and the University of Barcelona (UB) and is located in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). We are a CERCA centre that forms part of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST). The State Research Agency has awarded IRB Barcelona three consecutive Severo Ochoa" Centre of Excellence Accreditations (2011, 2015 and 2019). 


Get to know IRB Barcelona

IRB Research

IRB's research highlights