IRB Barcelona is a vibrant multidisciplinary institute where scientists address challenging and pressing biomedical problems in a collaborative fashion to provide groundbreaking solutions to unmet medical needs.
Researchers at all levels of their careers are offered customized training and ample career development opportunities.

A training programme for future generations of researchers
The undergraduate fellowship programmes at IRB Barcelona are aimed at outstanding and highly motivated undergraduates and MSc students with a strong interest in the fields of biology, biomedicine, chemistry, physics, pharmacy, structural biology, computational sciences, or other related areas.
Awardees are offered the opportunity to participate in in-house institutional activities. They also receive complementary career development training either through the internal or “ad-hoc” courses organised.

Undergraduate opportunities
Predoctoral programme
A solid foundation for a successful career in biomedicine
Predoctoral Opportunities
Training is a way of life at IRB Barcelona. By joining the Institute, young scientists are entering a world of opportunity in which they can do their research and training in a unique international and multidisciplinary setting. PhD students receive close mentoring, have access to a wide variety of scientific activities and services, and can take advantage of an extensive network of academic and industrial contacts. Our goal is to stimulate young talent to carry out creative projects of excellence and to become future leaders in the academic or industrial world.
Nearly 100 students—almost half non-Spanish nationals—are currently working toward their PhD theses at IRB Barcelona.
Students work on a research project that is chosen in mutual agreement with their respective group leader. Also, participation in all the day-to-day activities of their labs allows them to learn a variety of skills and techniques.
In addition to applying to IRB Barcelona's internal predoctoral calls, PhD students joining the institute can also apply to external competitive calls that fund PhD fellowships. Including predoctoral fellowships from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture, among others. PhD students joining IRB Barcelona have to comply with the admission rules of the Institute.
Each PhD candidate (for any non-institutional fellowship or contract) is interviewed on an individual basis (i.e. not competitive) by a Selection Committee, which writes a report to help IRB Barcelona recruit the best candidates and guarantee standards of quality.
In addition to day-to-day supervision by the thesis directors, PhD students are monitored throughout their PhD Journey by a Thesis Advisory Committee, consisting of, at least, three members, one of who is an IRB Barcelona Group Leader and one an external advisor. At the end of each year, students write a report on their work and discuss it with their Thesis Advisory Committee. Upon completing their practical work, students must write their thesis and successfully defend it at the university in which they are enrolled.
IRB Barcelona is not a university and cannot grant PhD degrees. Successful candidates must thus enrol in a university of their choice to obtain their PhD degree.
Local universities are: the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Students complete their coursework at a university of their choice, while concurrently doing the practical training and working toward their thesis in a research laboratory at IRB Barcelona. Students generally spend up to four years at the Institute, after which they complete and defend their thesis.
PhD degrees are awarded by the universities in which students are enrolled.
In addition to their laboratory work, PhD students can participate in many activities.
- PhD Students’ Retreat. A 2-day event celebrating research by IRB Barcelona PhD students, organised every two years. Activities include talks by current and former PhD students, poster sessions, and plenty of opportunities for exchange.
- PhD Day. The PhD Day is an event organised every two years by IRB Barcelona PhD students. Young scientists are given the opportunity to participate in all aspects of designing and managing a complex scientific event. Invited spekers, including Nobel-Prize winners and top scientists meet and discuss cutting-edge and interdisciplinary themes with younger researchers in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
- Short stays. PhD students are encouraged to complete at least one stay abroad during their training. The stay can be subsidized by mobility fellowships or internal funds. Examples of host centres include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT (USA) and the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), universities, such as Harvard University and ETH Zurich (Switzerland), and hospitals, such as the MD Anderson Cancer Center (USA), among many others. IRB Barcelona is also eager to welcome visitors from institutes worldwide. Each year it hosts more than 50 visiting researchers, including PhD students.
- Complementary training and courses. IRB Barcelona promotes a series of activities to strengthen the skill sets of PhD students. These include “How to improve Scientific Writing” workshops, “Innovation and Technology Transfer” seminars and “Scientific Communication in English” workshops, among others.
- Barcelona BioMed Seminars. Leading international scientists are invited to present and discuss their results and ideas in a series of weekly seminars. These sessions allow PhD students to learn about the latest developments in the life sciences and provide them with the opportunity to have direct contact with seminar speakers. PhD students are also encouraged to invite seminar speakers of their choice.
- Communications activities. PhD students also practice their communication skills through regular presentations, workshops and participation in public engagement and education events.
- Social activities. PhD students can also participate in social cohesion activities such as monthly "Cool-off sessions" where the student community meets informally on the rooftop terrace for drinks, snacks and discussion.
- Group and Programme Retreats. IRB Barcelona scientists regularly participate in retreats, both at the group and programme level. These activities, held at picturesque off-site venues, provide opportunities for intense scientific discussion and social interaction, aiming to foster collaboration among groups and programmes.
Specific activities for PhD students are organised during their first year at the Institute.
- Induction course. Given at the beginning of September, the course introduces the units and platforms at IRB Barcelona and the PCB. It also provides useful information for their PhD training period at the Institute, as well as information about Barcelona.
- Lab rotations during the first semester of the first academic year. Rotations offer students the opportunity to experience various laboratory environments and experimental approaches and to get to know lab members from other groups, thereby fostering potential future collaborations.
- Mentoring Programme. The Footsteps Programme works by pairing up a new PhD student with a PhD student volunteer, the “guide”, who has been at IRB Barcelona for a year or more.
English is the working language at IRB Barcelona. While some local universities offer science courses in English, others teach in Catalan, Spanish, or a combination of these languages. To support its members, IRB Barcelona offers English and Spanish lessons to help improve their language skills.

In compliance with article 11 of the rules governing “ajuts Joan Oró per a la contractació de personal investigador predoctoral en formació (FI 2025)”, we are publishing the list of prioritized candidates for FI-2025 fellowships.
We wish to inform you that appeals can be made until 18th February 2025.

IRB Dream programme
IRB predoctoral fellowship programme: attracting international talent
The IRB predoctoral fellowship programme (IRB DREAM) is a flagship doctoral fellowship programme run by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). It offered 10 x four-year fellowships in two separate calls (2021 and 2022) to young and talented researchers to undertake their PhD theses in one of the 28 laboratories at the Institute. IRB DREAM seeks to revamp the Institute’s current PhD Programme, which is already recognised for excellence in research, by adding an innovative dimension, namely the customisation of both the training offer and career development.
IRB Barcelona already boasts a strong PhD Programme, which has been consolidated since its launch in 2008. In addition to the research activities undertaken by predoctoral researchers (herein referred to as early stage researchers, (ESRs), they have access to an extensive range of complementary activities specifically designed to boost their professional careers. Ranging from interdisciplinary initiatives such as lab rotations and PhD retreats to high-quality scientific seminars and transferable skills workshops with a strong focus on business and entrepreneurship, the programme already offers its ESRs the tools to empower them and enable them to pursue brilliant scientific careers.
IRB DREAM offers fellows:
- Exceptional working and employment conditions , with salaries that are significantly above the national standards.
- Excellent supervision and mentoring arrangements by highly experienced Group Leaders and external researchers from both the academic and the non academic sectors.
- Access to top notch laboratories carrying out Multidisciplinary Research at the interface between chemistry , biology and medicine.
- Exposure to an international and intersectoral environment and access to a vast network of international collaborators , companies and hospitals.
- Wide training offer with personalized and professional advice in identifying the most suitable optional training courses that match fellows ’ interests and skills.
- Personalized Career Development Support through IRB Career Advisors.
- Free language courses (Catalan , Spanish & English) provided onsite and free of charge.
- Vibrant social activities , such as monthly Cool off sessions ", where members meet informally for drinks ,
snacks and scientific discussions in the cafeteria , the Football League and the annual skiing trip. - A healthy culture that promotes and facilitates well being as an integral part of the institution’s identity.
- Relocation & Visa Assistance by trained staff in the Human.
IRB DREAM recruited prospective early-stage researchers (ESRs) of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in biomedicine. To be eligible for an IRB_DREAM fellowship, applicants must:
- Comply with the mobility rule: meaning that they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call.
- Comply with the COFUND ESR definition: at the time of recruitment by IRB Barcelona, they must be in the first four years (full‐time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
- Fulfil one of the following options (mandatory requirements according to Bologna’s process to be able to enrol in a doctoral programme at the time of the effective recruitment):
- Completion of studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits must correspond to master level.
- Completion of a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to doctoral studies in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine or related fields in Spain.
- Submit a complete application before the established deadline through the IRB_DREAM electronic application. Applicants will be asked to upload the following information:
- Personal information such as first and last name, gender, nationality and contact details. This section will also ask about applications for or intention to apply for other fellowships.
- Curriculum vitae.
- Motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) highlighting their research experience and academic achievements and explaining why they are interested in IRB Barcelona and in a particular research group.
- A scanned copy of their certified academic record. These documents must show the grades attained in exam periods and evidence that the required degree will be obtained by the expected time of recruitment if it has not already been awarded.
- Any additional files considered relevant to the application.
- At least two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists who are familiar with their academic work and who can judge their potential as a predoctoral researcher. A template letter for the referees will be provided, including short evaluation questions. Applicants will be responsible for ensuring that referees submit these letters.
- A summary of any work experience and a maximum of three research groups in which they are interested.
Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied.
Enhanced contact with an intersectoral and interdisciplinary environment, and international mobility through secondments and new initiatives:
- Greater exposure to an intersectoral environment through personalised support from Innovation Department staff and the opportunity to visit and be seconded to companies and hospitals, the latter thanks to a new strategic action that aims to increase collaboration with the hospital system in Catalonia.
- Guaranteed exposure to an interdisciplinary environment at the local, regional and national level, thanks to existing collaborations and agreements in Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain. Within IRB Barcelona, fellows will be exposed to a wide range of disciplines and will have the opportunity to participate in activities such as weekly Research Node Seminars and Biomed seminars, annual conferences, lab rotations, PhD retreats, the Student Council, etc.
- Guaranteed international mobility, thanks to the inclusion of targets in their career development plans during their first PhD year, including participation in international workshops, conferences, seminars and international activities. Fellows will also be guaranteed international secondments, thanks to the specific travel and networking cost allowances. As of the second year of IRB_DREAM, fellows will have the opportunity to present their secondment plan to their respective Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC).
Enhanced supervision structure with higher exposure to the 3i dimension: the supervision structure will include the (i) Thesis supervisory team, comprising the supervisor, who will be the Group Leader from the lab hosting the fellows’ research activities, as well as the co-supervisor (the group leader at the secondment institution); (ii) the TAC, responsible for mentoring, following up and guiding fellows in all aspects related to their thesis. TACs will have an additional external member from the non-academic sector to reinforce intersectoral dimension; and (iii) Personalised Career Development support through Career Advisors, who will guide the fellows during their careers and help them, together with the Supervisory team, to prepare and review their Personal Career Development Plans (PCDPs) each year.
- Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS), Netherlands
- Institute de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale (IPBS), France
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL-EBI), United Kingdom
- Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), Singapore
- RMIT University (RMIT), Australia
- University of Copenhagen-Center for Protein Research (CPR), Denmark
- Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy
- Diabetes Complications Research Center-University College Dublin (UCD-DCRC), Ireland
- Universidade nova de Lisboa (ITQB-NOVA), Portugal
- Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique (IGFL-CNRS), France
- Hokkaido University, Japan
- European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM), Italy
- Systems Biology-University College Dublin (Systems Biology Ireland), Ireland
- University of Helsinki, Finland
- VIB, Belgium
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for all stages of researchers' careers—be they doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers—and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA enable research-focused organisations (universities, research centres, and companies) to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide.
The MSCA aim to equip researchers with the necessary skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or private sector. The programme responds to the challenges faced by researchers, offering them attractive working conditions and the opportunity to move between academia and other settings.
The MSCA are open to all domains of research and innovation, from fundamental research to market take-up and innovation services. Research and innovation fields are chosen freely by the applicants (individuals and/or organisations) in a fully 'bottom-up' manner.
For more information, please visit the following web pages:

IRB Dream Opportunities
IRB Target programme
IRB Barcelona International PhD programme: on TARGET for high-impact biomedicine
IRB Barcelona is a vibrant multidisciplinary institute where scientists address challenging and pressing biomedical problems in a collaborative fashion to provide groundbreaking solutions to unmet medical needs.
The IRB-TARGET doctoral programme brings together a network of 21 institutions to implement an impact-oriented training itinerary aligned with IRB’s strategic objective to bring fundamental science closer to applied and clinical research. Through two separate calls (2023 and 2024), IRB-TARGET will offer 10 four-year fellowships to exceptional doctoral candidates, who can choose and build a strong research project within one of the six interdisciplinary research nodes established at IRB.
IRB-TARGET is aimed at talented young researchers wishing to undertake their PhD theses in one of its 28 state-of-the-art laboratories that tackle cutting-edge topics in cancer/metastasis, ageing and cell reprogramming, metabolism, cell differentiation, and genomics, among others. In the context of inter- and multi-disciplinary collaboration between groups, countries (more than 100 international collaborations) and sectors (academy, industry or hospitals), IRB-TARGET offers customized training and ample career development opportunities. This innovative training programme stands out for fostering much valued secondments and other initiatives aimed at strengthening the career prospects of doctoral candidates.
IRB-TARGET offers:
- Exceptional working and employment conditions, with salaries that are significantly above the national standards.
- Excellent supervision and mentoring arrangements by highly experienced Group Leaders and external researchers from both the academic and the non-academic sectors.
- Access to top-notch laboratories carrying out Multidisciplinary Research at the interface between chemistry, biology and medicine.
- Exposure to an international and intersectoral environment and access to a vast network of international collaborators, companies and hospitals.
- Personalised doctoral training itinerary composed of several mandatory and optional components, categorised under research, training, and engagement, that fellows will complete to complement their research work (required dedication of 200 hours).
- Mandatory research stay or secondment as part of the doctoral training itinerary (research laboratory, industry or hospital).
- Integration of the Personalised Career Development Plan into the supervision structure and the harmonization of the research and career development objectives through a holistic training approach that incorporates specialised support from HFP.
- Free language courses (Catalan, Spanish & English) provided onsite and free of charge.
- Vibrant social activities, such as monthly "Cool-off sessions", where members meet informally for drinks, snacks and scientific discussions in the cafeteria, the Football League and the annual skiing trip.
- A healthy culture that promotes and facilitates well-being as an integral part of the institution’s identity.
- Relocation & Visa Assistance by trained staff in the Human Resources Department, and personalized welcome support with peer-to-peer mentoring.
More information about the IRB Barcelona International PhD programme, with details about the PhD life at the institute and other relevant activities and information can be found here.
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the European Research Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.
IRB-TARGET will recruit prospective early-stage researchers (ESRs) of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in biomedicine. To be eligible for an IRB_TARGET fellowship, applicants must:
- Comply with the mobility rule: meaning that they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call
- Not be in possession of a doctoral degree at the deadline of the call. Any candidate that has successfully defended their doctoral thesis will not be considered eligible, even if they have not formally been awarded a doctoral degree.
- Fulfil one of the following options (mandatory requirements according to Bologna’s process to be able to enrol in a doctoral programme at the time of the effective recruitment):
- Completion of studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 must correspond to master level.
- Completion of a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to doctoral studies in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine or related fields in Spain.
- Submit a complete application before the established deadline through the IRB-TARGET electronic application. Applicants will be asked to upload the following information:
- Personal information such as first and last name, gender, nationality and contact details. This section will also ask about applications for or intention to apply for other fellowships.
- Curriculum vitae.
- Motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) highlighting their research experience and academic achievements and explaining why they are interested in IRB Barcelona and in a particular research group.
- A scanned copy of their certified academic record. These documents must show the grades attained in exam periods and evidence that the required degree will be obtained by the expected time of recruitment if it has not already been awarded.
- Any additional files considered relevant to the application.
- At least two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists who are familiar with their academic work and who can judge their potential as a predoctoral researcher. A template letter for the referees will be provided, including short evaluation questions. Applicants will be responsible for ensuring that referees submit these letters.
- A summary of any work experience and a maximum of three research groups in which they are interested.
Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied.
Each IRB-TARGET fellow will build their own unique doctoral training itinerary that is adapted to their research, academic, professional and personal requirements and will prepare them to excel during and after their doctoral training. The personalized IRB-TARGET itinerary will be composed of several mandatory and options components that fellows will complete to complement their research work categorized under research, training and engagement. The itinerary will be defined in collaboration with the supervisory team and will be reflected in their Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP). Fellows will need to complete a minimum required dedication (200 hours) to each category and subcategory to successfully complete the IRB-TARGET programme.
The major components of this itinerary include ( see table below):

- Core biomedical research project: Fellows will undertake a research project in a given field under the supervision of a Group Leader leading to a doctoral degree at the University of Barcelona. They will further enrich this research training through weekly participation in group (lab) meetings, interdisciplinary node and plenary seminars, PhD retreats, and symposiums.
- Collaborations & research stays or secondments in academia, clinical setting, or industry (1-3 months): Either through a secondment or a short stay, IRB-TARGET fellows will be required to complete a mandatory research stay or secondment as part of their doctoral training itinerary, unless explicitly discouraged by their Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC).
- Network-wide training events organised by and for IRB-TARGET (100 hours): These mandatory training events will provide fellows with knowledge, skills and expertise in several core areas that are integral to their doctoral training, including research integrity, gender in research, entrepreneurship skills, open science and research data management, and communication.
- Complementary training actions from local and other initiatives (25 hours): Fellows will have the opportunity to choose the training sessions and topics that best suit their needs and interests.
- Communication and Dissemination actions to maximise research impact (50 hours): Having done a mandatory training course on communication given by Scienseed and had opportunities to fine-tune these skills at the institutional level by participation and presentation at group meetings, node seminars and plenary seminars, fellows will be required to further their communication and dissemination skills.
- Outreach and Stakeholder network engagement for responsible innovation (25 hours): (a) With the support and guidance of IRB Barcelona´s Communication Department and the Public Engagement Officer in particular, IRB-TARGET fellows will contribute to outreach actions to disseminate science to the general public. (b) To engage with the stakeholders and/or end-users of biomedical researchers, IRB-TARGET fellows will organise, conduct and amplify the impact of an online talk show to discuss important themes with respect to science, research and policy with guests representing key stakeholders.
Each fellow has the support of the following actors in the implementation and revision of their PCDP: the Group Leader and the co-supervisor(s), including in the secondment lab(s); the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC); and the Career support team.
IRB-TARGET fellows will be awarded their doctoral degrees from the University of Barcelona. More information on the available doctoral programmes within this university can be found here.
Fundació de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
Fundació Privada per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu (FSJD-CERCA)
Fundació Privada Institut d’Investigació Oncològica de Vall d’Hebron (VHIO)
Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc)
Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
University of Groningen, Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP)
School of Biomedical Science, McGill University
National University of Ireland Galway
Università degli Studi di Torino, Molecular Biotechnology Center (MCB)
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for all stages of researchers' careers—be they doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers—and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA enable research-focused organisations (universities, research centres, and companies) to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide.
The MSCA aim to equip researchers with the necessary skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or private sector. The programme responds to the challenges faced by researchers, offering them attractive working conditions and the opportunity to move between academia and other settings.
The MSCA are open to all domains of research and innovation, from fundamental research to market take-up and innovation services. Research and innovation fields are chosen freely by the applicants (individuals and/or organisations) in a fully 'bottom-up' manner.
For more information, please visit the following web pages:

IRB Target Opportunities
Postdoctoral Programme
Support and opportunity for postdocs at a critical stage in their careers
Postdoctoral fellows joining IRB Barcelona gain access to the advanced research training and career development opportunities on offer at the Institute, all within a competitive international environment.
Aware that postdocs are at a critical stage of their careers, IRB Barcelona aims to provide them with the scientific, technical and administrative support that they need to excel. Postdocs generally join IRB Barcelona on an external grant obtained through national and international agencies.
A focus on interdisciplinarity
Courses and workshops on topics of particular interest to postdocs are offered regularly. These include topics such as lab management, communication, and science and grant writing, among others. Postdocs can also take advantage of the numerous conferences, seminars and other events in the Barcelona BioMed series.
Like the PhD student community, postdocs take an active interest in promoting cohesion activities among their peers. In this regard, the Postdoctoral Council organises scientific and social events and activities and liaises with IRB Barcelona's Administration team.
Contact the Postdoctoral Council if you want to find out more about the life of postdocs at the Institute.
An example of the many postdoc activities is the annual Postdoc Day, which brings together scientists from across the research programmes to showcase their latest results and explore possibilities for collaboration.
