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Research challenges

IRB Barcelona’s research purpose is to address fundamental biological questions in order to provide groundbreaking solutions to unmet medical needs.

Our institute is organised around three major research challenges, namely Cancer Science, Aging and Metabolism, and Mechanisms of Disease, with the aim to decipher why diseases develop and find new ways to diagnose, prevent and treat them.

At IRB Barcelona, 400 outstanding scientists from diverse disciplines and technical support staff come together to develop knowledge that will ultimately allow society to overcome these challenges.


   Research Programmes Integrative
 Research Nodes


Our research programmes


Research programmes


Research programmes


Research programmes

Research nodes and Core Facilities & services


Research nodes

To facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing, our researchers are
organised into six integrative research nodes.

Core facilities

Core Facilities & services

Scientists at IRB Barcelona are supported by an extensive range of Core Facilities that provide state-of-the-art technologies and scientific services


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so come and join us!