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Bridges to Industry – Marta Mas, MD, PhD, Executive Director, Medical Writing at TFSHeathScience & Katrin Zaragoza Dörr, PhD, Freelance Medical Writer and IRB Alumni


The Innovation Department and the Academic Office invite you to meet & greet our next speakers in the series: Marta Mas, MD, PhD, Executive Director, Medical Writing at TFSHeathScience & Katrin Zaragoza Dörr, PhD, Freelance Medical Writer and member of the IRB Barcelona Alumni.

Marta and Katrin will share what medical writing is, how they transitioned to this field, and why it is an attractive career option outside academia. They will provide insight into the work as a medical writer (required skills, work environment, positive & negative aspects) and present the European Medical Writing Association. Come prepared with any questions you might have, as attendees are encouraged to ask any questions to have a dynamic session!

Bridges to Industry is a meet & greet programme set up by the Innovation Dept. It provides participants the opportunity to meet key professionals in the bio sector and expand and/or consolidate a professional network. Come prepared with any questions you might have for a dynamic session!


  • Speakers's presentation & job trajectory: How speakers transitioned to Medical Writing
  • Medical Writing: What is it, main types, examples, why is it important?
  • Working as a medical writer: Skills & qualifications, job opportunities, environment and practicalities
  • What is EMWA? Setting high standards for excellence in medical writing, initiatives, and membership
  • Q&A session
  • Closing remarks

Sessions are open to all IRB members (places limited). In addition, a number of places are reserved for IRB Barcelona alumni.

If you wish to participate in this session, please register before 23 January (Registration Form).  Alumni should contact us at


Marta Mas, MD, PhD, Executive Director, Medical Writing at TFSHeathScience
Katrin Zaragoza Dörr, PhD, Freelance Medical Writer. Member of the IRB Barcelona Alumni.

Date: Tuesday, 30 January 2023, 10:00-11:30

Place: Felix Serratosa Room, Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB)  
Language: English
Audience: Open to the entire IRB Barcelona community and IRB Alumni (places limited)



Marta Mas, MD, PhD, Executive Director, Medical Writing at TFSHeathScience


Marta Mas has  20+ years of Clinical Research and medical writing experience in both the academic and pharmaceutical industry settings, supporting clinical development of drugs and study design from phase I to IV. She also helds a strong medical and scientific background, including clinical pharmacology and statistical knowledge as well as expertise on clinical development plans and study designs from phase I to IV. Marta is Associated professor of Pharmacology in Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona and collaborator professor in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Medical writing course). Furthermores, she is member of the Spanish Society of Clinical Pharmacology, European Medical Writers Association and American Medical Writers Association. Marta is Medical Doctor, PhD in Neuropsychopharmacology and specialist in Clinical Pharmacology. Author of 25 articles in indexed scientific journals.


Katrin Zaragoza Dörr, PhD, Freelance Medical Writer. Member of the IRB Barcelona Alumni.