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Research information


The mission of the Biostatistics/Bioinformatics Unit is to conduct collaborative research and to provide consultation and quantitative research resources to all IRB Barcelona research groups.

We assist scientists by providing both short and long-term consultancy services in the following areas:

  • Experimental design: sample size, study design, planning of statistical methodology 
  • Data analysis: clinical or biomedical databases, genomics data
  • Assistance with statistical methodology in own or others’ research
  • Software: help in using software, develop software to meet special data analysis or study design needs

The facility conducts methodological research and develops resources in all of the above-mentioned areas.

For more information contact the manager of the Biostatistics/Bioinformatics Unit at

Selected publications

Cortina, C; Turon, G; Stork, D; Hernando-Momblona, X; Sevillano, M; Aguilera, M; Tosi, S; Merlos-Suárez, A; Attolini, CSO; Sancho, E; Batlle, E
Embo Molecular Medicine
(7 )
869 -
Barriga, FM; Montagni, E; Mana, M; Mendez-Lago, M; Hernando-Momblona, X; Sevillano, M; Guillaumet-Adkins, A; Rodriguez-Esteban, G; Buczacki, SJA; Gut, M; Heyn, H; Winton, DJ; Yilmaz, OH; Attolini, CSO; Gut, I; Batlle, E
Cell Stem Cell
(6 )
801 -
Pascual, G; Avgustinova, A; Mejetta, S; Martín, M; Castellanos, A; Attolini, CSO; Berenguer, A; Prats, N; Toll, A; Hueto, JA; Bescós, C; Di Croce, L; Benitah, SA
(7635 )
41 -
Attolini, CSO; Peña, V; Rossell, D
(22 )
3631 -
Torres, AG; Piñeyro, D; Rodríguez-Escribà, M; Camacho, N; Reina, O; Saint-Léger, A; Filonava, L; Batlle, E; de Pouplana, LR
Nucleic Acids Research
(10 )
5145 -
Kessler, R; Tisserand, J; Font-Burgada, J; Reina, O; Coch, L; Attolini, CSO; Garcia-Bassets, I; Azorín, F
Nature Communications
(- )
7049 -
Calon, A; Lonardo, E; Berenguer-Llergo, A; Espinet, E; Hernando-Momblona, X; Iglesias, M; Sevillano, M; Palomo-Ponce, S; Tauriello, DVF; Byrom, D; Cortina, C; Morral, C; Barceló, C; Tosi, S; Riera, A; Attolini, CSO; Rossell, D; Sancho, E; Batlle, E
Nature Genetics
(4 )
320 -
Whissell, G; Montagni, E; Martinelli, P; Hernando-Momblona, X; Sevillano, M; Jung, P; Cortina, C; Calon, A; Abuli, A; Castells, A; Castellvi-Bel, S; Nacht, AS; Sancho, E; Attolini, CSO; Vicent, GP; Real, FX; Batlle, E
Nature Cell Biology
(7 )
695 -
Cuartero, S; Fresán, U; Reina, O; Planet, E; Espinàs, ML
Embo Journal
(6 )
637 -
Font-Burgada, J; Reina, O; Rossell, D; Azorín, F
Nucleic Acids Research
(4 )
2126 -
Planet, E; Attolini, CSO; Reina, O; Flores, O; Rossell, D
(4 )
589 -


CERCAGINYS és la plataforma d’accés a les infraestructures científiques i tècniques dels 41 centres CERCA. La iniciativa vol optimitzar l’accés a aquestes instal·lacions per a tota la comunitat científica i tecnològica i, molt especialment, vol evidenciar la possibilitat que el sector privat empresarial i industrial també pot fer-ne ús, accedint, així mateix, als serveis de personal tècnic altament qualificat. La proposta forma part d’un projecte més ampli, vinculat al Pla d’Acció d’Infraestructures finançat pel Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació a través de la I-CERCA.



Consult the service rates

  • Microarrays: Quality control, Differential expression, Enrichment analysis of GO and KEGG, GSEA GO and KEGG, Signature discovery
  • RNASeq: Quality control, Differential expression, Enrichment analysis of GO and KEGG, Signature discovery, Isoform switching, SNP calling
  • ChipSeq: Processing, Quality control, Peak definition + annotation + visualization, Differential Binding + Integrative analysis
  • Whole Genome Sequencing: Processing, Quality control, SNP calling, Copy number alteration calling
  • Whole Exome Sequencing: Processing, Quality control, SNP calling, Copy number alteration calling
  • Proteomics: Processing, Quality control, Differential expression, Enrichment analysis of GO and KEGG
  • Public database mining and analysis: Selection, Curation of clinical data, Processing of expression data, Association of expression and clinical data, Integration of copy number/genomic data
  • TCGA analysis: Exploratory analysis in all cancer types: association between expression and clinical variables, Detailed analysis with curated clinical and technical variables: association with expression, Data integration: copy number, expression, mutations, etc
  • Microbiome: Quality control + OTU estimation + differential abundance, Phylogenetic analysis
  • Binding prediction: Prediction of binding to RNA/DNA by proteins/genes
  • Single Cell Sequencing: Processing, Quality control, Differential expression, Clustering, Trajectories, Enrichment analysis of GO and KEGG
  • Consulting: Statistical consulting, Data analysis, Custom services
  • Experimental design

Group members

Senior Research Officer
Research Officer
Research Officer
Research Officer

Group News

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