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Jose Luis Sanchez

Former - Visiting Student
Left IRB Barcelona in July 2019
Research Group

Selected group publications

Pavinato, L; Villamor-Payà, M; Sanchiz-Calvo, M; Andreoli, C; Gay, M; Vilaseca, M; Arauz-Garofalo, G; Ciolfi, A; Bruselles, A; Pippucci, T; Prota, V; Carli, D; Giorgio, E; Radio, FC; Antona, V; Giuffrè, M; Ranguin, K; Colson, C; De Rubeis, S; Dimartino, P; Buxbaum, JD; Ferrero, GB; Tartaglia, M; Martinelli, S; Stracker, TH; Brusco, A
Journal Of Medical Genetics
(2 )
170 -
Calvet, J; Berenguer-Llergo, A; Gay, M; Massanella, M; Domingo, P; Llop, M; Sánchez-Jiménez, E; Arévalo, M; Carrillo, J; Albiñana, N; Arauz-Garofalo, G; Orellana, C; Delgado, JF; Serrano, A; Llobell, A; Graell, E; García-Manrique, M; Moreno, M; Galisteo, C; Casado, E; Navarro, N; Gómez, A; Garcia-Cirera, S; Rusiñol, M; Costa, E; Clotet, B;...
Scientific Reports
(1 )
640 -
Colome, N; Abian, J; Aloria, K; Arizmendi, JM; Barcelo-Batllori, S; Braga-Lagache, S; Burlet-Schiltz, O; Carrascal, M; Casal, JI; Chicano-Galvez, E; Chiva, C; Clemente, LF; Elortza, F; Estanyol, JM; Fernandez-Irigoyen, J; Fernandez-Puente, P; Fidalgo, MJ; Froment, C; Fuentes, M; Fuentes-Almagro, C; Gay, M; Hainard, A; Heller, M; Hernandez, ML;...
Journal Of Proteomics
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104409 -
Pauls, E; Bayod, S; Mateo, L; Alcalde, V; Juan-Blanco, T; Sanchez-Soto, M; Saido, TC; Saito, T; Berrenguer-Llergo, A; Attolini, CSO; Gay, M; de Oliveira, E; Duran-Frigola, M; Aloy, P
Genome Medicine
(1 )
168 -
Arauz-Garofalo, G; Jodar, M; Vilanova, M; Rodriguez, AD; Castillo, J; Soler-Ventura, A; Oliva, R; Vilaseca, M; Gay, M
(2 )
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