

In an online event, four researchers from IRB Barcelona, who hold Banco Sabadell Foundation Awards for Biomedical Research, raise awareness of the importance of fundamental research to tackle cancer and metastasis.
The Banco Sabadell Foundation (FBS) has organised an online event to publicise the IRB Barcelona’s Metastasis Challenge, the campaign that symbolises the Institute's commitment to tackling cancer. During this event, director Francesc Posas and IRB Barcelona researchers Núria López-Bigas, Manuel Serrano, Salvador Aznar-Benitah and Eduard Batlle explain the latest advances in cancer research and raise awareness of the importance and impact that this research can have on the health of so many patients and how the involvement of society at large can push scientific advances forward.
Chaired by Carmen Moreno, head of Communications at the FBS, the event began with a brief presentation by IRB Barcelona director Francesc Posas, who highlighted that metastasis (the spread of cancer cells, from the original tumour to other organs of the body) is the main complication of cancer, as it causes 90% of deaths related to this disease. Next, Núria López-Bigas, winner of the XI Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research and head of Biomedical Genomics Lab, explained how her research focuses on the genomics of metastasis and on personalised medicine. Next up, Manuel Serrano, holder of the XI Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research and head of the Cell Plasticity and Disease Lab, talked about his studies on cell senescence and its role in cancer.
Salvador Aznar-Benitah, holder of the IX Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research and head of the Stem Cell and Cancer Lab, then shared his latest findings on the influence of diet on metastatic stem cells. Finally, Eduard Batlle, who received the V Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research and is head of the Colorectal Cancer Lab, gave an explanation of the tumour microenvironment and the use of immunotherapy to fight cancer. All four scientists are ICREA researchers working at IRB Barcelona.
The event ended with a contribution from Miquel Molins, president of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, who acknowledged the work of the four researchers and stressed that "we are close to solving a serious problem, so today it is more important than ever to act on the wishes of society at large and guarantee the resources necessary for research to move forward and to offer solutions". "The Banco Sabadell Foundation has been involved with IRB Barcelona since the launch of the Institute and is committed to the Metastasis Challenge," he added.
About IRB Barcelona
The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) pursues a society free of disease. To this end, it conducts multidisciplinary research of excellence to cure cancer and other diseases linked to ageing. It establishes technology transfer agreements with the pharmaceutical industry and major hospitals to bring research results closer to society, and organises a range of science outreach activities to engage the public in an open dialogue. IRB Barcelona is an international centre that hosts 400 researchers and more than 30 nationalities. Recognised as a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence since 2011, IRB Barcelona is a CERCA centre and member of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST).